You’ve got the bones to see this!

Well, you’re here. Nice to meet you!

Tibia nest,  today I was Hungary! So I was Russian to the fridge. All I could find was canned Chile, but I can tell you I thought it was tasty 🙂

I tried eating it, but there was Norway I could eat that. Even though I wasn’t Finnish-ed! 

My friends ate Turkey. They said it was covered with Greece, so they took the other can of Chile. Here was the conversation:

F1: Are you Ghana mark your name on the can?

F2: Yeah!

F1: Denmark your name on it!

F2: Okay, I’m Ghana do it!

F1: Well, that Tokyo long enough to respond!


Thanks for seeing my puns, hope you come back next week!

Puntastic PUNS

Sealy, isn’t it? Toadally. This is not irrelephant, but I can say that you’d be bearly getting these puns. Sealiously.

I’ve been eggspecting to make you crack up, but that is not gonna work. Hopefully after these puns, you’re scrambled on the floor!

Pun(s) of the day

I bet that last one really rattled your bones. By now most of the people got a bone to pick with me. I’ve got a skele-ton of them, but tibia honest, I don’t know where to put them any more. My pun vault has gone bone-dry. Anyway, I’m gonna leave now, I think I came down with a femur and my mom doesn’t appreciate my skullduggery on the blog, so bye, and keep an eye socket out for more humerus blogs from me. (I’m not sorry)