Ashton’s Adventures

Hello, my name is Kayden and this my first alliteration poem.

Ashton’s Adventures. By: Kayden

Ashton likes games Ashton likes action games.

He was very smart last year he even did an addition audition.

He had dreams he was the Alaskan Aladdin.

He had thoughts of getting abducted by aliens.

In his head he saw confusion illusions.

He had dreams he was a star, people would buy admissions to see him succeed his ambitions

He made an animation with some alliteration.


My Alliterative Poem

In class we read some poems by Kenn Nesbitt and we were so inspired by the poems that we learned what alliteration means. So we put alliteration into our poems. Here is my poem.

My Cousins

By Jasnin                                                                                                                             My cousins like clowns,                                                                                                       but they also like crowns.                                                                                                  They’re all so annoying                                                                                                      when they are growing.                                                                                                      They say my rhymes are like crimes,                                                                                  just to make me laugh.
But when they say their jokes it makes me choke.

They climb constantly when Christmas comes round.
They think they’re cool,
but they’re just crazily weird.
My cousin Carly is so cranky,
and kind of lanky.
They have lots of crows,
and they all need to grow.
That’s everything I know
about my crazy cousins.

I hope you liked my poem!

Book spine poems

We have been making poems in class every week, but the most interesting kind of poems that we’ve studied are Book Spine poems. A book spine poem is when you take a few books with titles that could form a sentence, and stack them on top of each other to make a poem. Here are two I did myself:

It was very fun finding the right book titles to fit my poem. Usually when I’m at the library, I’ll just look for things I know I want, and won’t look at other sections of the library. But when I’m looking for the book spine poems, I discover more books that actually look interesting and that I wouldn’t notice before. But, its was hard to find the right books for my poem because I was limited to only the books in the library.

I hope you will try to make your own book spine poems too!


Book Spine Poems

Recently in class we have been working on Book Spine Poems. You may be wondering what is a Book Spine Poem. In a Book Spine Poem you use books to make a poem as you may know by the title of the poem. Book Spine Poems can be made with very little books or a lot of books, they can be short or long. Here’s are a few that I made:


It was hard at the same time, it was hard because some of the books got checked out that I was going to use and it was hard finding books too. There also lot of books that might not fit the poem you were trying to make so It’s hard finding the books you might need to make a Book Spine Poem but there are lots of books to pick from but overall I had lot of fun making Book Spine Poem and I think anyone can make a Book Spine Poem! 🙂 😛



we have been learning about cinquains which is a poem style a cinquain is 5 lines long the first line is 2 syllables long the next is 4 then 6 then 8 then 2 again a cinquain doesn’t have to rhyme but it can if you want it to here is a few i wrote…



Is very fun

It’s also called foot ball

In some places do you like sports?

I don’t




I love

Balloons there cool

They fly with helium up up



It’s cool

You can buy stuff

I have so much money

Guess how much money I have now!

Ten cents


A School Day


I went to school.

I overslept, I did

Not notice. Mom dragged me from home

to school.





is a sweet and

healthy dessert. Which is

one of my favourites. I eat




Green Grass

Green Grass

grows on the ground.

It’s food for cows and sheep.

It’s also a place to view, with

blue skies.



Sponge cake

Sponge cake

is yummy and

sweet. It is also soft.

And sometimes it could be creamy!

Munch! Munch!



Pine Trees

Pine trees

stand tall and strong.

All 4 seasons standing

tall. they are a home for lots of
