Here’s some poems I made! Enjoy!


1.There once was a man that was berried

who loved to eat lots of berries

who bordered a tank and ate a big plank

and sank the titanic and became hairy

2. There once was a man that loved dancing

and started dancing and prancing

then Santa came up and started dancing

and ate lots of berries while dancing


  1. Big buses roll in

roomy and magnificent!

ours is way too small

2. I love big berries

They are always so juicy

It is time to eat

3.Snow is always fun

To have a Big snowball fight

Let’s go play outside

4. Its the holidays

Lets have a Big snowball fight

You hate snowball fights?



Cat , sleepy , Gentle , Meowing , scratching , Hissing , Furry , whiskers , Fluffy , licking , loving , playful , clean , cat



Yummy and sweet

Melting , dripping , staining

It is way to sweet for me now


2. Haiku


Is a poem?

Are you sure? Yes you say?

Maybe right. Maybe you are wrong.


Thank you for reading! 🙂



Friday and the Red Flag Fleet

I lost myself in thinking ‘bout
That Red Flag Pirate fleet,
The captives taken to their ship
And trials they might meet.

I know ‘bout probability
Their chances di’n’t look great
Lingsi seemed sure to farkle* once
That sailor dropped that crate.

She risked it all; she summoned up
What courage she could find.
Surprised that dreaded pirate queen
With powers of her mind.

What lesson do you take from her?
That queen knew to take heed.
There’s nothing quite so valuable
As knowing how to read!

*Farkle is a game of chance played with dice in which to Farkle means getting a bad roll causing the player to lose points and lose their turn.

I look forward to seeing eveyone’s reaction to the story, your writing, your videos and all your efforts from this week (which is quickly passing by!).

Enjoy the poem in the video below (you should recognise the meter!), and spend some time on some poetry you might include in a card on Sunday.

Book Spine Poetry

We have been making different kinds of poetry during the weeks so this week we did Book Spine Poetry

Book Spine Poetry is regular poetry but with book spines!


Basically you remember the titles on the spines of books? Well those titles on the spines of the books are what you use to make Book Spine Poetry!

This is what my finished Book Spine Poetry looks like.



The process of doing the Book Spine Poem was interesting and fun because you don’t have every single word at your disposal so you would have to would have to find the appropriate books for your Book Spine Poem and make do.


So to wrap this all up I think that Book Spine Poetry is a very interesting type of poetry and I think I would be happy to do it again! Thank you for reading this post.

Book Spine Poems

We have been working on book spine poems and it was a interesting experience. My book spine poem is here.


We went to our school library to look for ideas for our poems. It was fun to see all the titles we have never seen before. I liked the book finding and I found some books that could be a book spine poem.

The poems are very cool and you can be very creative. I liked making this book spine poem.

Book Spine Poems


Book Spine Poem



When we were given an assignment to make a book spine poem. We went to our school library. You might think that it would be easy but trust me is was kind of hard because you need to know what books your going to use for your book spine poem and where to find them (like what shelf the book would be on) . I had many ideas in my head but it just didn’t fit for the poem because we only had limited books to work with and it was also like an adventure in a way.I would totally recommend doing this if you are up for a challenge of using your great creativity.


Book Spine Poems

Do you know what a book spine poem is? A book spine poem is a poem made out of the spines of books by arranging the spines to make a phrase. Recently we have learned about book spine poems. After that we visited our school library. we found books and arranged the spines of the book to make book spine poems.From my experience I found making a book spine poem pretty simple. What I did was I would take a close look at the titles then I would think if it would make sense or not.  Something I found hard were that you wouldn’t find the title you wanted. after that I have made these two book spine poems.
