Mr .Brown’s Oct. precept

Mr. B`s Oct. precept means that what you say or do reflects back on you or your reputation. Like say you hit somebody or you say something mean to somebody it acts as a bad reputation or a bad monument.


like say you do something good like hold the door open for somebody or give somebody a compliment to somebody it leaves as a good monument or reputation.

Oct precpet

Mr.Browne’s October is your deeds are monuments.To me it means that if you do something good for someone,in the future the same person,or someone else will do something good for you Just like in extraordinary Mary’s extraordinary deed.In the story she sees blueberries on the bush.She picks then into blueberry pie and gives it to the old next door lady.After everything was great.In the end she got a bracelet from her cousin!BYE….for now!