Meet The Maestro Reflection

We got the chance to see a performance by Maestro Bramwell Tovey on May, 30, 2016. He started off with a really complicated piece (at least for me) on the piano, then he went to explain himself. Maestro Tovey is a music conductor and composer, born in United Kingdom, July 11, 1953 (age 63). He is really good at Piano and he has a very funny accent (no offense :P). The music he played was very cool, and though I do not like classical music that much, I kind of grew to like it because of his playing. He did a great job and I think he is a very talented person because if I were to learn at least one song he played that day, then my brain would be dead! Maestro Tovey is a very awesome person to be honest. He seems really fun, and if someone were to have him as their music teacher, I bet they’d learn really fast!

It’s pretty cool that we got to meet Maestro Bramwell Tovey because now the whole school has a better perspective on classical music and especially music by Beethoven. Tovey told us about Beethoven and played many famous pieces that Beethoven made. The music was very soothing and calming in a way, maybe something I could listen to to go to bed!

Maestro Reflection

Hello On May 30 2016 We got to meet Bramwell Tovy. Bramwell Tovey Is the conductor of VSO. When I Listened to him play on the piano  it made me feel calm and filled my bucket up! He also won the Grammy Award and the Juno Award.

Bramwell Tovy’s Whole family loves music But her sisters didn’t like playing with instruments but liked to sing.

When Maestro Tovy was playing on the piano it reminded me how important music was.

His music was amazing and marvellous!

thank you for reading my blog!


Maestro Tovey

Listening to and watching Maestro Tovey reminded me of that music is important in life. I have this special feeling in my body, a feeling that I only feel when I listen to music. When I listen to calm music, I feel relaxed and calm. When I listen to rough, hard, loud music, I feel scared, feeling like a bad day. A really bad, not like a bad hair day…a day where everything goes wrong!

Well, my family isn’t into music…but my dad is into singing. In fact he sings every day, he sings well, well better than my mom. I’m into singing and dancing. So is my sister. My mom isn’t into anything.

The third thing I was going to say was that when I listen to calm music, I can picture a picture, I can picture something calm. Same thing as when I listen to heavy music.

Thank you for reading.