Meet the Maestro reflection

Watching Maestro Tovey play on piano made me think of how powerful music is to me.      I find music so powerful because you can put all your feelings inside of your song and when other people listen to you song they can sometimes tell if you were happy or sad that day.

Another reason I find music so powerful is because songs inspire me.                         When I grow up I want to be able to write songs and inspire other people and give them the feeling of happiness and the feeling I have when I listen to inspiring songs. When I listen to inspiring songs I feel joy, sadness, the power to do what I want in life.

One more thing I liked when Maestro Tovey played piano was when he sang a song named Why. I don’t know why the song was named Why but it was funny when he played the song, because the first time he played the song he played it normally.                        The second time he played the Why song he started singing the word why a few times and every time he said why the entire school laughed and laughed.

I thought that it it was very cool for Bramwell Tovey to come to our school and the why song was really funny too.