Maestro Reflection

Hello On May 30 2016 We got to meet Bramwell Tovy. Bramwell Tovey Is the conductor of VSO. When I Listened to him play on the piano  it made me feel calm and filled my bucket up! He also won the Grammy Award and the Juno Award.

Bramwell Tovy’s Whole family loves music But her sisters didn’t like playing with instruments but liked to sing.

When Maestro Tovy was playing on the piano it reminded me how important music was.

His music was amazing and marvellous!

thank you for reading my blog!


Maestro Tovey: A huge swagger!!!

Listening to Maestro Tovey was a excellent visit. To be honest, it was very awesome!

It made me realize about the importance of music. It made wonder about…

  • How music affects education
  • How the person could make the wonderful piece despite being deaf
  • How your life changes after hearing music
  • How music can change your mood
  • How music can change your thoughts
  • How music can change your feelings
  • How complex is the piano
  • How was the Maestro so good!
  • How music carries feelings and emotions
  • How do musicians make a living
  • The roles of different musicians

And more. I can’t believe Maestro Tovey is such a huge swagger!!!



Maestro Tovey Reflection

On Monday my school got to meet Maestro Bramwell Tovey. For those of you who do not know him, Bramwell Tovey is a composer and conductor. He works for the VSO and is known worldwide. He has won a Grammy award and a Juno Award.

Maestro Tovey did some things that are really interesting in my opinion. First of all, I think he is a really funny person. The “why?” song was really funny. How he made a song out of Milya’s name was also really cool (he also included a Happy Birthday). He also made me think about being a conductor. I think it would be really cool to conduct almost everything in front of you. You’d be in charge of everything.

Maestro Tovey is definitely not young right now. But, he still remembers his music from thought! That is really cool. He started playing piano when he was very young. I think that means that Music will stay with you. Other thoughts may fade as you get older but music won’t. That, is very interesting.

Most of all, Maestro Tovey made me think more about Music. He made music express feelings, which is really interesting. Music can be happy, sad, tense, or all of that together. I think music is different to me than what it was a couple days ago.


Listening to & watching Maestro Tovey reminded me of how music is important.I think it is important because you can learn lots music and its also important because you might need music while you are growing up.Listening to Maestro Tovey playing piano is so amazing because when he plays piano he plays it so perfect.Watching Maestro Tovey make up a piano song for a girl at my school,he made up a song because it was her birthday that day.



When I’m felling a particular way, I like to listen to music because when I’m mad music calms me down and when I’m felling sad I like to listen to music.when I listen to music it makes me wonder about being a musician when I grow up.Often listening to music is amazing because there a different kinds of music that I like to listen to.



If I would play a instatement,I will play the piano if not the piano I would like to play the guitar.I would like to play the piano because the piano sound so nice when you play it,I would like to play the guitar because I like when you play it it sounds so nice and something else that I like about it is the is the strings because I like how they sound so different.