
Recently in class we have been working on Cinquains. You might be wondering what are Cinquains well Cinquains are poems with 5 lines. In the first line of the poem there are 2 syllables, in the second line there are 4 syllables, in the third line there are 6 syllables, in the fourth line there are 8 syllables and in the last line there are 2 syllables so its just 24682. Most often Cinquains tell a story, you can make a Cinquain, anyone can make one, the best way to make a Cinquain is to start with a topic, maybe the topic can be about something you love or spring/summer etc and then you can move on from there. I made this post because I made a few Cinquains I want to share, I will be showing 3 of mine, here they are!


Hey, look!

I’m so happy!

I have cookies today.

Yay, cookies are my favorite treat!



Bob’s Cafe


Come in!

This is my Cafe

Drink my coffee, it has…

Cat food inside and you can eat…

With cats!!!


My Donkeys


Look here!!

Here’s my donkey!

He’s big and very fat.

He can go for adoption now.

Bye bye!