March Precept

 The March Precept this month is: “Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.” —Blaise Pascal. My thoughts on this precept is that it is very strong, it’s saying that kind or respectful words don’t cost much to say, but they can accomplish or change many things when done. I suppose what its meaning to say is that kind or respectful words do not cost much to say, it’s not costing you anything to say it, or it is not taking anything from you, and if said, that kind word, or sentence, can really achieve many things, like making a person’s day better, and maybe even influencing that person to say something nice to another. So try to say more kind words to one another, because it won’t cost you anything at all, but it will help others get through tough times, or even make there day even better!


  This precept reminds me of a time I used kind words, and made me feel good about myself. One time my friends and I were playing Basketball and one my friend was missing shots. He started to give up a bit, but each time any of us missed a shot, we all said kind things to each other, even though we weren’t on the same team. When we said these kind words, you could see that person get happy, because you can see a smile on their face grow. That made me feel good inside because of these kind words, we prevented each other to feel bad or lose hope about hitting shots. We all had fun at the end and realized not to be competitive, but to be kind, because that won’t cost as much as being rude.