free verse poem and haiku


Food is the best,

It overcomes the rest.

Fruits are nice,

If you add a little spice.

Ice tea is great,

Go ahead and buy a crate.

If you want some more,

Drive a car, to the store.

Now you know food is awesome,

It will rise and it will blossom.

O’ pizza, you can’t beat it,

Cook a hot dog, overheat it.

Turn around,

Sit right down.

Smell the air,

Ahhhhhh…quite fair!

-David #19



Ice cream is the best,

It will overcome the rest,

Now you will say hey!!


ice tea is the greatest liquid in time,

Because I”m the best at making end rhyme!


division three is the best place to be.

we’ll show the people what we want to see.

then you guys will do some activity.

then everyone will want to come and plea.