Maestro Tovey

Listening to and watching Maestro Tovey reminded me of that music is important in life. I have this special feeling in my body, a feeling that I only feel when I listen to music. When I listen to calm music, I feel relaxed and calm. When I listen to rough, hard, loud music, I feel scared, feeling like a bad day. A really bad, not like a bad hair day…a day where everything goes wrong!

Well, my family isn’t into music…but my dad is into singing. In fact he sings every day, he sings well, well better than my mom. I’m into singing and dancing. So is my sister. My mom isn’t into anything.

The third thing I was going to say was that when I listen to calm music, I can picture a picture, I can picture something calm. Same thing as when I listen to heavy music.

Thank you for reading.

Creating Poems!

A few weeks ago we started learning about writing poems! Here are a few that I’ve created, each poem is labeled, so you know whether it’s a Haiku or a Quatrain:


McDonald’s by Jaden (Free Verse Poem)

McDonald’s is great, but it’s unhealthy,

Don’t eat it everyday, or you’ll be big!

Be smart with your diet, though food is good,

McDonald’s delicious, just like it should!


Money by Jaden (Haiku)

It’s all ‘bout money,

Money can buy you Honey,

And Honey is sweet.


Movies by Jaden (Quatrain)

Movies o’ Movies you’re filled with suspense,

Sometimes a movie can include fighting,

Some movies are action-packed, they are tense,

Sometimes scary, I mostly get frightened!


Tacos by Jaden (Rhyming Couplet)

Tacos O’ Tacos, they make me hungry,

I wish I could spawn them right beside me.


Treasure by Jaden (Rhyming Couplet)

Treasure is fun to dig out with some friends,

Super awesome, until the journey ends.