Good Relationship Recipe

Good Relationship Recipe




– Loyalty










-Give your Friend a lot of Respect and Honesty

-Stay close with your Friend and always Support them

– Stay Confident with your Friend and don’t be afraid to share any thing

– Be a Reliable Friend

-Have a lot of Generosity, share with your friends with they need/want it

-Be Considerate towards your friend, or the person you want to be friends with

-Be a Helping Friend, help friends when they are need

-Have Forgiveness to keep a relationship stronger

-Have Loyalty, be loyal to your Friends and they will respect your kindness

– Once all steps are done, you should have a very strong/great relationship with your friend!

Pancake Friendship Recipe


  • A person you want to be friends with
  • 1 cup of Loyalty
  • 2 cups of Honesty
  • 2 cups of Forgiveness
  • ½ cup of Reliability
  • ∞ cups of Supportiveness
  • 4 cups of Respect
  • 3 cups of Helpfulness
  • 2 cups of Bravery
  • 2 teaspoons of Kindness


1.Put Loyalty, Kindness, Helpfulness, and Honesty in a medium sized bowl.

2.Add some Bravery, Reliability, Forgiveness, and Respect in a separate large bowl.

3.Mix the Medium bowl.

4.Mix the Large bowl.

5.Bring the Medium ingredients into the Large bowl and mix well until smooth.

6.Put the stove on medium heat and put your frying pan on there.

7.Put some of the mixture on the frying pan once you see bubbles flip the pancake.

8.Once it’s done put on a plate put the Supportiveness (syrup) on top.

9.Share with people you want to be friends with.
