should we eat harp seal?

People are eating seals. And that is bad because seals have family too also people have family.

But people are eating seals so it’s bad. Also when it happens a lot also people are getting sad.

Also its getting less seals when people are harvesting seals.Also  people are so mean because they are hunting seals.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


Should we serve seals??


Should we be serving seals in restaurants?

This blog is about if we should serve seals, this idea came after a restaurant called Edible Canada (Edible Canada) is serving seals and a lot of people are saying “We shouldn’t serve seals” or “Seals should be served Because” So our Teacher wanted to see if we should serve seals or Not.

Well this is what I think, I think we should serve seals because they are a good source of protein, Vitamin B12 and iron can be met with 40 grams of seal meat.


And also the Canadian Government allows it!!! The Government allows about 400,000 seals a YEAR! But we currently have harvested about 36,000 Seals, So if the Government allows it (since he’s like the most popular person in the world) it means we can eat seals.


Harp seal mother and pup

A Baby Harp Seal with it`s Mommy

 So that`s why i think it`s okay to serve seals (Harp Seals) in restaurants.