Would you eat seal if it was on the menu?

Thoughts About Seal One The  Menu

I think that you should NEVER have seal on the menu because they are killing the baby seals too and some day they will be unable to  breed and they will eventually go extinct.

We don’t know what they do with the other parts of the animal. And for all we know we are trying to look into it and stop the seal on the menu.           

Some of the time the First Nations need the fur for clothes and bedding,They have killed more than one million from 1950 till now.


In my opinion I think seal on the menu is horrible  I think they should never have it ,As you can see there killing

“Harp Seal“  by the looks of it, it looks a good amount

but , there is a chance of then seals to get extinct.

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Would You Eat Seal If It Was On The Menu?                                    
