A new space to bring ideas to light

Working on expressing ideas & bringing our thoughts to lightWelcome to our new blogs! After a long time on Classblogmeister.com, we are moving. Now that our writing can be hosted within our school district using WordPress, it will appear among the pages that make up our class Web site. We’d like to acknowledge David Warlick for his work to design a blogging platform specifically for use in education when none existed and for continuing to maintain it after other blogs for educators became widely available and other projects required more of his time. (He even responded to my email and fixed a problem for us while on vacation! You don’t find that level of support everywhere!)

The move will offer us some new options and will allow us to learn some new skills (like categorizing & tagging posts), but I’m sure we can expect a few growing pains while we adjust. Our purpose, however, remains the same: to help each other develop & wrestle with ideas and to get practice expressing them in the articles we post and the comments we exchange.

So please join us. Watch for new posts. Read what we’re thinking about, and leave us some comments to help us along.