I think banishing Cole was a good idea

recently in our novel Touching Spirit Bear we have been talking about if banishing Cole (the main character) is a good idea, and I think banishing Cole was a good idea because,Cole could spend time alone and think about himself and all the people he hurt.  I also think its a good idea because he can spend time away from friends, drugs, and other bad things. Like Garvey said in our novel Touching Spirit Bear page 56. “it allows the offender a long period free of friends, drugs, alcohol and other influences that have gotten him in trouble.” Garvey also said “Cole could undergo a vision quest of sorts an extended time alone to face himself and to face the angry sprites inside him” as I also mentioned in my first reason. Cole would also not hurt anyone for a year because he would be on a island

is banishing Cole a good idea?


I think that banishing Cole is a good idea cause Cole can think about what he has done an the island and he was alone so no one can bother him and it will be better cause no one can get hurt like Peter he keeps on getting nightmares about Cole so banishing Cole is a good idea  so Peter  can stop getting nightmares about him the seconded thing that’s  good getting Cole banished is him learning about how to survive in the wild and can also control his temper and learn how to control it and think positive 



He survived on the island but also had a bad temper like when he fought the spirit bear he said “I’LL KILL YOU” but he lost the fight when he fought the spirit bear and now he is laying on the floor and doing nothing

i also think that the circle should banish Cole cause he can prove one more time that he can be trusted


here’s the link to read to chapter 2

Banishing Cole And Why I think It Was A Good Idea


We have been reading this book called Touching Spirit Bear and we have  been wondering if banishing Cole was a good idea or a bad idea. Here are some of my ideas.

I think that banishing Cole was a good idea and here are my reasons why. Garvey said that the banishment was “an extended time alone to face himself and to face the angry spirits inside of him.” Page 56. Cole was not doing well because he was angry to himself because his dad was angry to him all the time. Second, when Garvey gave the at.oow to Cole he wanted him to give it to someone he trusted. Third, Cole found himself in a bad spot when he was in the circle justice meetings and he wanted to be on the island because he did not want to be in jail. He also burned the shelter because he was angry and he tried to burn the at.oow but he missed the fire. He didn’t like the place but I think that him going there was a good idea  Banishing Cole was a good idea because it gave Cole a chance to ” find himself there.”

Cole’s banishment

Cole’s banishment

we have been reading this book called touching spirit bear and the main character name is Cole Matthews, he has been banished to this island and our teacher gave us a question. The question was was banishing Cole to the island a good idea or a bad idea? So here is what i think.

I think that having Cole banished to the island was a good idea because in the story the keeper of the circle said jail is not to heal so I was thinking maybe that means it won’t heal someone unless they will learn from their mistakes because that’s the only way they will change, if you don’t learn from your mistakes then how are you gonna change. I also think that since the keeper agreed to that it would be a good idea because the keeper just wants Cole to change and become a better person but the keeper probably doesn’t want to hurt Cole either but I be wrong, maybe sending Cole to the island was a bad idea, who knows. Also Cole could learn how to take care of himself at the island, he will have to because hes on his on and if he doesn’t take care of himself he could die. That’s why i think banishing Cole to the island was a good idea.