
owl flying

a magnificent raptor

A visitor or two dropped in on us Thursday. Not the one pictured here, but some who taught us a lot about raptors like this owl. BCIT students Sara and Terence fascinated us with their engaging presentation and interesting specimens of these magnificent birds. 

Besides the photos, video, research specimens, and great information, what really got us hooked was the way they connected with and listened to each student in the room. Their own interest in the work they are doing was palpable and helped switch on our curiosity. That and the gross-but-cool owl pellets they brought for us to dissect!

owl pellet dissection

skull extracted from an owl pellet

We are very grateful to Sara & Terence for sharing their knowledge & passion with us (and with another intermediate class too!). Sara happens to be a Division 3 alumna, and I am especially grateful to her for thinking of her old elementary school teacher and returning to help inspire the latest group of students in my classroom. Our buckets are overflowing, thank you!


How To Be A Great Bucket Filler!

There are a lot of ways you can fill buckets! Big things or small things, ANYTHING counts. Follow these simple steps to become a great bucket filler!

Somethings might not make us feel like we’re doing a lot, but kindness always counts, no matter what form it comes in. Saying “Hello” and smiling makes other people smile! Using basic manners such as “please” and “thank you” makes people feel respected.

Fact: When you fill someones bucket, you fill your own too!

Well, now you know how to be the greatest bucket filler of all time! Make sure that you teach other people how to be amazing bucket fillers!


Bucket filling‽

Filling or dipping?

We’ve been thinking about the importance of filling others’ buckets for a long time at our school. I’m not sure if the child in the picture here is filling a bucket or dipping from a bucket. Sometimes we don’t realise (or even think about) whether we are dipping from someone’s bucket. Yesterday we talked in class about how we could plan to do a little more bucket-filling. Some ideas some of us suggested were:

  • smile
  • invite someone to join in
  • use good manners (Say, “Please,” & “Thank you.”)
  • use polite words
  • tell a friendly joke
  • say, “Hello.”

I’m sure you have more ideas, and I’m also sure that if we make an effort to take some of these small steps, we will make our days and our relationships better.