Meet the Maestro reflection

Watching Maestro Tovey play on piano made me think of how powerful music is to me.      I find music so powerful because you can put all your feelings inside of your song and when other people listen to you song they can sometimes tell if you were happy or sad that day.

Another reason I find music so powerful is because songs inspire me.                         When I grow up I want to be able to write songs and inspire other people and give them the feeling of happiness and the feeling I have when I listen to inspiring songs. When I listen to inspiring songs I feel joy, sadness, the power to do what I want in life.

One more thing I liked when Maestro Tovey played piano was when he sang a song named Why. I don’t know why the song was named Why but it was funny when he played the song, because the first time he played the song he played it normally.                        The second time he played the Why song he started singing the word why a few times and every time he said why the entire school laughed and laughed.

I thought that it it was very cool for Bramwell Tovey to come to our school and the why song was really funny too.

Maestro Tovey Reflection

On Monday my school got to meet Maestro Bramwell Tovey. For those of you who do not know him, Bramwell Tovey is a composer and conductor. He works for the VSO and is known worldwide. He has won a Grammy award and a Juno Award.

Maestro Tovey did some things that are really interesting in my opinion. First of all, I think he is a really funny person. The “why?” song was really funny. How he made a song out of Milya’s name was also really cool (he also included a Happy Birthday). He also made me think about being a conductor. I think it would be really cool to conduct almost everything in front of you. You’d be in charge of everything.

Maestro Tovey is definitely not young right now. But, he still remembers his music from thought! That is really cool. He started playing piano when he was very young. I think that means that Music will stay with you. Other thoughts may fade as you get older but music won’t. That, is very interesting.

Most of all, Maestro Tovey made me think more about Music. He made music express feelings, which is really interesting. Music can be happy, sad, tense, or all of that together. I think music is different to me than what it was a couple days ago.

Meet the Maestro Reaction

On Monday, we had a performance where we got to see Bramwell Tovey, a famous conductor/composer, who won a Juno award and a grammy, who came to perform for us… gee, I wonder what the odds of that happening are, but anyway, this is my reflection on the performance.

Listening to Bramwell Maestro Tovey reminded me of how important music is in life. Music is a major part of our lives. It is used to express feeling/emotions, it can be used as a form of communication, it can be used for entertainment, and these are just some of the things it can be used as. In fact, music can also help people that have dementia or alzheimers. Music, when used appropriately, can shift moods. You can go from sad to happy listening to just one song. If you use the right type of music, you can calm yourself down. At times, you may want to listen to a sad song just so you can feel that feeling, and it helps. Basically, what I’ve been reminded of is how music is definitely really important, because when your feeling down, then you can listen to some music and cheer up, and when your angry, you can listen to a calm song, and calm down, and sometimes you just feel like being sad, so you can listen to something sad, and it somehow cheers you up, and the final thing is that music is part of our lives no matter what, and it can help in many situations.