Romeo & Juliet Reaction

Recently, we went to a play, and, as you’ve probably read the title, it was Romeo & Juliet, by Bard on the Beach (BotB), and this is my reaction to the play. I loved it. It’s my most favourite play that I have seen so far, and Ioved the story. At certain times, it brought a tear to my eye. It was a sad story but it was a really good one, and it has taught me a lot about life. And the actors, they were the best! They were so in character, I had trouble telling if they were modern people or not. By the end of the play, I was amazed at how they managed to do this. It probably took them loads and loads of time to practice it all, and when you mess up, you had to retry over, and over, and over until you got it down perfect. Keep it up, BotB! I enjoyed your show and I’m sure your other shows are good too.

Bard on the beach reflection

Yesterday we got to go to bard on the beach.  We got to see Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet is a play that has lots of tragedy. When we got in the theatre there was big studio equipment on the stage. The play was amazing. In the play there was sword fight scenes. My favourite part was when Mercutio and Tybalt fights. The ending as sad because Juliet stabs herself and Romeo drinks a poisonous potion because he thought Juliet was dead. Overall I liked the play because there was few funny scenes and intense scenes.

Bard on the Beach Reflection

The Bard on the Beach was very fun and interesting. They made me think of things about William Shakespeare and Romeo & Juliet that I never thought about before.

I liked it when we got to sculpt someone in the form of a line (those lines were really nice sounding too). It was really fun and I enjoyed it. There was also some facts that really surprised me. Like that William Shakespeare wrote 3,000 words! Some of them are actually used today! How fascinating! I wonder how he even thought of those words. I don’t know why, but I also wonder how William Shakespeare died.

Bard on the Beach really helped me understand the play Romeo & Juliet too. There was some cool facts about the play that surprised me. 

Thank you for reading!

Shakespeare reflection

When the Bard on the beach people came, we did some activities that were fun. My favourite one was when we did the sculpture garden. Another thing we did was we chose a coloured piece of paper that had a number on it. Then we got into a group with the people who chose the same coloured piece of paper. Then we got into number order from the lowest to highest number. My number was seven so I stood between number six and eight. The piece of paper had writing on it as well. What we did was starting from person one, we read the sentence that was on our paper with a pose to with our sentence.

My sentence was “Peace be with you sir, here comes my man”. My favourite part of the sentence was the part about peace because I think that peace is important. If there was no peace then we would have no respect for one an other. People would be fighting a lot, that’s why I think peace is important. I am very excited because on June 8th we will be going to see Romeo and Juliet at Bard on the Beach. I am also excited because I have never seen a Romeo and Juliet play before. I think it’s going to be a cool experience to see how the actors talk in different voices.

Bard On The Beach Reflection

On Monday we had a Shakespeare workshop come to our class and what I really liked about it was the fact that we got to interact and do fun activities unlike some workshops where you just listen and we didn’t just do one activity, we did 3 activities. The first one was where we had to say our line on a piece of paper and throw a ball to another person. Second, we had to shape our partner into what they would look like if they were saying a certain line, and what I particularly liked about that part was how I could sculpt my statue into whatever I wanted, and once we were done we could go around to other sculptures and they have to say what their lines were. And the third was where we (again) had to say our lines from a paper and then the next person had to say their lines and so forth until we all finished saying our lines. All in all I enjoyed this workshop and it was a lot of fun.