April Precept

April Precept: “What is beautiful is good, and who is good will soon be beautiful” – Sappho. My thoughts on this precept are different because what is beautiful isn’t necessarily good. Sure, it’s beautiful or cool or whatever word you use, but that doesn’t make it good. An example to prove my point are fish, and pretty much everything else underwater. More specifically, rockfish. It’s an absurd example, and I don’t think everyone will see it in real life or on camera, but the author DID say “What is beautiful is good,” so I kinda have to criticise everything about it and post my opinion so yea. More to the point though, a rockfish may look pretty, but don’t touch one unless you wanna get poisoned, and that’s not good. And that’s just one of the examples I could give you. Now what I would do to fix this, I would simply rephrase the first part, but that’s just my opinion. As for the second part, I would agree with it a little more than the first part, mainly because many people that have been good to the world also became beautiful, but that doesn’t mean that everyone who is good is automatically beautiful. That being said, in due time, everyone will be beautiful. Except for the lazy people, they never accomplish anything. All in all, this precept needs to be changed, at least in my opinion, and while I don’t necessarily agree with this precept all that much, its still a good one, but I don’t see where or in what situation you can ever use its advice in your life, cause that’s what precepts are for, right? Something to live by, and I don’t see how you’re supposed to live by it, so in my opinion changing it will not only help it to be understood better, but it may also give it a meaning in life that you could follow. And those are my final words.

April preept

“What is beautiful is good, and who is good will soon be beautiful.” —Sappho

This precept is a little complicated to explain so I’m going to try my best to explain what this precept means: First of all, a lot of people have the same idea about this precept, and I do to; First of all,: “What is beautiful is good, and who is good will soon be beautiful”, well that’s what it literally says.

This is a big part of the book “Wonder” because, in this book their is a character named August and his face, well lets just say that its not normal..You can call it deformed. But he has a good heart and he’s really nice to a lot of people. And the part of the precept that says: “who is good will soon be beautiful.” That kind of describes August’s situation.

Okay I know this isn’t perfect of isn’t really to the point but, I tried





April Precept!!!

Hey guys!!! 

the April Precept is about what is good, and who is beautiful is good.

So… I think the April precept is about if you are beautiful you, youself is good but, I don’t trust that is true because some people look nice on the out side but in the inside your the bad one but life is like that.


April Precept

Here is the April precept What is beautiful is good, and who is good will soon be beautiful. – Sappho . The april precept is a reference to the book Wonder where August has a  deformed face and people think and say that he is ugly. I think that the april precept is not something  to live by because sometimes people who are beautiful thing they are better then the rest of the people.

Say that you are one of the popular kids in your school and you are good looking to then you think that you are the best and everyone else except all of your friends are lower than you. But I think the last of precept who is good will soon be beautiful I agree with that part because in the book Wonder August is kind to everyone of his friends family and other kids he doesn’t know .

April precept

April precept: What is beautiful is good, and what is good will soon be beautiful.

what i think this precept means is people who are already rewarded is great and good. And people that have been patient is good and have been reward. like in the book, the main character, August who is deformed. But he is still good and loves science. he loves his family and is loved by them as well.

He was home schooled in till grade five. when he goes to school, he start slow but in the end. he became very popular. Just like the precept. What is good will soon be beautiful. So August is the perfect example for this precept!

April Precept

“What is beautiful is good, and who is good will soon be beautiful” is the April precept and I feel like it’s judging who you are that if you are good you are beautiful but people that have “weird” faces are amazing not most of them but around the world so called “ugly” people are doing amazing things and this precept is saying their not this is not the real world, in the real world everyone is beautiful no one is ugly or so called weird and no one is bullied and or judged.
I think that the precept means that if you are good you are beautiful and that is so wrong! Everyone is different everyone isn’t beautiful how everyone wants it everyone wants life perfect but that is never going to happen never ever going to happen because life is just an endless loop of life and death and when we have a beautiful perfect world we would probably all be dead until everyone is dead and earth goes back to the perfect green place that it is and there is no more global warming that’s the beautiful world and this precept is deep very very deep (deep as in goes to far)