why our planets wasting so much food

in Vancouver BC people are wasting average 40 percent of food

farmers waste a lot of food like if a vegetable or fruit doesn’t look good they throw it away because the people who buy the fruit has to be good enough for the customers because customers always look at the good food and say this one looks better than that one

when i watched a documentary about people searching food in a garbage can or dumpster for six months to find food .First they were low on food but when they kept searching they found 4 boxes of chocolate a lot of pasta and a lot  of eggs just in the dumper and the food was fine

in the world people are wasting 33 percent in the world it’s like going to the grocery market and getting your bag and one of the bags fall

Book Spine Poems

In class we do a different kind of poem every few weeks, and these two weeks we are doing Book Spine Poetry. You make a Book Spine Poem by finding books and stacking them on top of each other to make a poem. We play around with the different combinations until they make sense like this one:


The things I like about my Book Spine Poem are: how it makes sense because in this poem, what it means is that sisters smile in the place where the wild things are,I also like how it tells a story. I like it because its weird because if you were in the place where the wild things are you would probably run or hide, not smile. I also like it because it is interesting that two of the books (SISTERS, and SMILE) are in the same series.

To make my Book Spine Poem I had to: look online for books, then when I finally found two books that I thought made sense together one of them did not go well with any other book so I had to find another book. Than I found one that finally made sense with the one that made sense from the first two, so I put the words together, and it worked. But I wanted my Book Spine Poem to be longer than two books, so I looked around some more, and found another Book Spine Poem that I saw several times. In it I saw a book that worked perfectly with my Book Spine Poem the title of that book with my Book Spine Poem and what happened??????????????? IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So then I went to the library and put the spines of the books together and made the Book Spine Poem.

By being limited with only book tittles, it was hard to make my Book Spine Poem because: I could not make the poem make sense because most books didn’t have the exact words I needed. Also there where to many books, so I could not see all the tittles because it would take to long. Its hard to put it in an order that makes sense because you can put the books you choose in so many different combinations.




Interesting ideas

It brightened my day to come across some interesting ways some people are choosing to spend time.




Image result for acrostic poems image

this week in my class we were working on acrostic poems.the rhythm is like weak weak strong weak weak strong etc etc. right i will show my totally good poems that i made in one day

Things Happening                                                                                                               Things ate your mom                                                                                                           sing loud but soft                                                                                                                 I hacked your account with Microsoft

my favourite poems once

i saw an apple that was red                                                                                                 that was lying on your bed                                                                                              big chungas on the street                                                                                          fungus on your feet on your feet

i robbed a store                                                                                                          cause i’m so poor                                                                                                       seeing an old lady                                                                                                  thinking what to do                                                                                                           grandma got hit by a garbage truck

there once was guy named store                                                                                        he was young but so poor                                                                                               he walked on the street                                                                                            pushed by a man .,fell in a fire                                                                                       now he looks like a tire                                                                                                    to ugly to see his face                                                                                                          its a disgrace to his face                                                                                                       he got sponsor by Canadian tires


Single use surfboards!?

We’ve been looking at problems we face on our planet and most recently have been looking into waste. I was reminded of a Yogi Bear cartoon I saw decades ago in which the gang visited a tropical island whose lone inhabitant treated it like a land of plenty. On Mr Waste’s island, the wastefulness is over-the-top. Yogi’s gang are expected to throw things away after using them only once or after consuming just a small amount. For example, they will eat just one bite of a banana & throw the rest away. They are told to get a new surfboard after riding just one wave on the old one and to get new clothes after wearing (or even just trying on) an outfit once. It is SO bad, and seems SO unrealistic that it is absurd. It’s silly. It makes us groan, roll our eyes, & laugh. It’s ludicrous. No one would actually be so ridiculously wasteful.

Yet, here are some ways that real people in the real world are wasteful in ways that are EVEN WORSE than what seemed like absurdly silly examples used to demonstrate a simple (and seemingly obvious) moral lesson in a cartoon:

  • shark finning (cutting the fins off live sharks to sell for a profit, tossing the rest of the dying animal into the ocean, and destroying the balance of ocean ecosystems by removing a top predator https://science.sciencemag.org/content/315/5820/1846; http://therevolutionmovie.com/index.php/open-your-eyes/overfishing/intro/ )Shark fins
  • leaving nearly half of the celery a farmer grows on the ground so that what goes to the grocery store will fit in the PLASTIC bags used by the company buying it from the farmer. http://www.foodwastemovie.com/video/
  • being fussy about what produce looks like in the store. People who grow their own vegetables are likely to marvel briefly at the sometimes oddly-shaped vegetables their plants may produce before chopping them up to be eaten. At the store, shoppers scour the large piles of produce for perfect specimens to spend their money on. Not only does this mean that imperfect fruit & vegetables in the store won’t be purchased (& will likely be thrown out), but in this way WE CONSUMERS tell the stores to tell the farmers not to even send imperfect produce to the store because we won’t buy it. WE are thus telling farmers to use more resources (water, land, fertiliser…) so they can grow so much produce that the fraction of it that looks perfect will be enough to meet our demand (never mind all the perfectly good food that will be thrown away or the water & labour that will have been used for nothing).
  • monoculture farming. To make farming efficient by getting a large crop using the least labour, we plant huge fields of just one variety of plant. This depletes soil, requiring extra fertiliser. The concentration of one type of plant attracts large numbers of critters that like to eat them, which leads to widespread use of large quantities of pesticides to protect farmers’ crops (and profits), which is leading to the depletion of insect species, reduction of biodiversity, and is threatening the survival of pollinators like bees on which we depend for a third of the food we eat! Those pesticides & fertilisers also end up getting washed into waterways & oceans where they affect those habitats & ecosystems and are significantly responsible for ocean acidification.
  • not walking. pollution leading to ocean acidification threatening life in the oceans including zooplankton on which we depend for oxygen.
  • shopping. overpackaging (use of resources, unnecessary waste, plastic), buying new (transportation, shipping, pollution, unnecessary deman

Reduce food waste (13914380453)

Can you find more ways we are being wasteful?

Book spine poems

We have been making poems in class every week, but the most interesting kind of poems that we’ve studied are Book Spine poems. A book spine poem is when you take a few books with titles that could form a sentence, and stack them on top of each other to make a poem. Here are two I did myself:

It was very fun finding the right book titles to fit my poem. Usually when I’m at the library, I’ll just look for things I know I want, and won’t look at other sections of the library. But when I’m looking for the book spine poems, I discover more books that actually look interesting and that I wouldn’t notice before. But, its was hard to find the right books for my poem because I was limited to only the books in the library.

I hope you will try to make your own book spine poems too!