Student Vote 2019

Can-vote-stubThe federal election is just a couple of weeks away, and students at our school will have the opportunity to participate in a program that parallels the actual election and provides students with the opportunity to experience the voting process firsthand and practice the habits of active and informed citizenship. Students from our class will take on the role of election workers and coordinate a vote within the school. Participating students will cast ballots for the election candidates running in our electoral district. The overall results from the student vote across Canada will be shared publicly after the close of polls.

We will be taking a general look at our parliamentary system and at political parties. We will also make use of a version of CBC’s Vote Compass designed for youth to begin getting students thinking about their ideas and values and how different parties’ platforms match or differ from their individual ideas.

We still have more to investigate about government and our roles as citizens and voters, but I am looking forward to those discussions and finding out about students’ experiences with this year’s student vote.

My Limerick Poem

A Limerick poem is a poem where it has 5 lines line 1,2 and 5 all the endings of that sentence has to be rhyming and line 3 and 4 the ends of those sentences they also have to rhyme so this is mine

there once was a child in Spain

he loved to play in the rain

one day he tripped

and broke his hip

and now he is in serious pain

Book Spine Poem

A book spine poem is a poem where you just use book spines to make a poem this is mine


I promise i”ll find you                                                                                                                         panda                                                                                                                   i went walking                                                                                                                        looking at the environment