What do you do when you can only see the left end of the stick?

The left end of the stick is supposed to be your anger and the right end of the stick is your happiness/joy. Edwin told Cole to break of the left end of the stick and Cole did as he was asked to he broke it of but the left end was still there. Then Edwin explained that the left end is your anger you can never get rid of it, and the right end is your joy/happiness he also told Cole that if he focuses on good thoughts he will see the right end of the stick. This is what I think of when I see the left end of the stick

When i feel/ notice that i am focusing on the left end of the stick i try to think about my family and friends.i would read a book or start drawing something to distract my mind. i also try to think about the things that make me happy. One time my cousins and i went to the swimming pool and got the ball stuck on the roof. i would think of playing with my friends.