limerick poem

The Muffin Man Poem

The muffin man is very smart

And he’s also very good at art

He’s an epic gamer

And he was such a minecraft player

And that my friends is only the start

My Cool School

First this school is under ground and you need to go in an elevator to get down. Once your down you will be greeted by a man who will give you a broom when you grab it the man will immediately vanish. Each student has a giant locker for there Backpack amber as well as much more when you walk in your classroom, you’ll be sitting on hover chairs when recess time students can fly on their brooms. When students go to library, they have thousands of books to choose from. When students go to gym, they have stuff from simple dodgeball to a holographic person who can do a boxing fight play games and more with students. Lastly my favourite room the computer room you can use every type of tech including vr headsets holograms and more! That’s my cool school the end!

Acrostic and haiku poem by: Amy

Hello world! It’s me, Amy. In division 3 we’ve been working on acrostic poems, and haiku poems. I wrote an acrostic and a haiku poem. Here is my acrostic poem:


Winter is fun
It’s cold but that’s okay
sNow is falling
Till midnight
Early in the morning
Rain not falling, snow still falling!

Here is my haiku poem:


Japan is so fun
Japan has the best blossoms
You have to come too!

Hope you liked my poems!!!!

My Acrostic and Haiku Poem by Jasnin

In class we learned how to make acrostic and haiku poems. Here are some of my acrostic and haiku poem.

I’m so bored by Jasnin

I am always bored.

I never know what to do.

Guess I’m sleepy too.

Firebirds by Jasnin


Intelligent students

Ready to learn and

Eager to learn

Brave and strong

Imagitive and creative

Ready to learn


Selfless and kind students

Hope you liked it!