
Jive, my class has been working on JIVE, we learned a couple of moves and the moves we learned were the rock with a twist. We learned the wind mil, and the leg over and the slide and the pretzel. We’ve been working hard on it and we worked with our little buddies. And they were great to work with. I liked JIVE and it’s Great working on

The 5 Simple Machine

The 5 Simple Machine

My class has been working on a project it’s based on the five simple machine.The five simple machine are the lever the wheel and axle and the fulcrum and the wedge.And the pulley We had groups of three or four are groups shared ideas and made lots of plans.Were pretty close to being done are project. When were done we take video of are rube gold berg machine and updated to are computer then we put it in are group Work only one person can put it in are group work will then were done

Our Class creed 2018

Are class was working on a poem for a long time and most of us were finished the class creed and i’m going to show you my class creed

We’re here to train the mind

How we think is who we,ll be

Always waiting for the storm

Then sun will never see

Inspire Trust Accept be Nice obey

The Golden Rule our Body language

Words and deeds tell others we are true

We are from division 3 were here to train

The mind to use are wits make buckets full

And always to choose kind

And this is are class creed hope you like it

Food Problems

Today my class and I read a article about food waste and it got me really frustrated because I thought we would be doing better by now with decades of world hunger and poverty. I really think that we should stop throwing away/rejecting food.

Food Waste, And What We Can Do To Stop It

In order to stop the continual & increasing amount of food that is being wasted, people need to stop buying more food then needed.” We can make a big difference just by changing some of the things we do on a daily basis,” Says Dr. Sylvain Charlebois. I completely agree with Dr. Sylvain Charlebois’s quote.

If this continues, the globe may grow to hot from too many greenhouse gasses.


What A Waste! Article review

Today i read a article about Food going to waste. It’s called what a waste! What in the world 2017/2018:issue 1. I was surprised when i saw there are 1.3 trillion kilograms of food wasted every year and there are still about 800 million people hungry.I really think that food going to waste is wrong Its not good because some people are not getting enough while others are getting too much and throwing it away. In 2050 we will have about 2 billion more people. When that happens we will have more food to waste.what will we do about it? I think that we should stop throwing out food away it is fresh or leftovers. They shout make a stand that serves food from other restaurants that are still good and fresh. Food uses a lot of resources. Did you know that agriculture uses 70 percent of all freshwater humans consume per year. It also produces up to 35 percent of human greenhouse gas emissions. The top offenders of food thrown out are the U.S., Canada,Australia and new Zealand. I think that food will become a problem if we continue the job that we are doing right now.The difference between wasted and spoiled. wasted means that you probably have some food that is perfectly fresh and you throw it away.Spoiled is when the food becomes bad and you have to throw it away.I think that food is necessary to survive but wasting it can lead to bad results.