May the Force Be With You

I know not everyone is a huge Star Wars fan, and I cannot say I have kept up with every single one of the latest releases, but I always liked the way that benediction, “May the Force be with you,” could so easily and widely be offered and accepted as a kind wish and gesture of good will. So I offer it to you all today (whether you are busting out your action figures or not).

Speaking of messages carrying good will and hope, I hope that everyone enjoyed attending our Celebration of Learning Assembly (online or virtual edition) and seeing the message from our school staff Friday. Do go back and check it out if you haven’t (or watch it again!).

As students look at assigned activities for this week, you’ll see that we will be taking on some longer projects and branching out into developing some aditional skills (How are you with video?). We will talk about these more at our weekly Tuesday morning Teams meeting when I’ll also discuss some additional meeting times as ways we can connect more often.

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