Is it Mayday or May Day?

May 1, 2020

What is the difference whether you write “mayday” or “May Day”? What do these terms mean? (Sometimes, a missing space or capital letter matters much to your meaning!)

I do have a couple of activities to assign today (including some fascinating photos to check out), and Fridays are good days to look back and make sure everything is done & caught up. It would be nice to have a larger collection of Hearts for Healthcare Workers to display. Please submit a picture of yours to me today. Remember that students can meet with me in Microsoft Teams this morning before 11:30 AM.

I’ve been enjoying reading some interesting story endings; make sure you’ve submitted yours before today is done.

And make sure to check the school Web site this afternoon for our (virtual) April Celebration of Learning Assembly and a special note from all our school staff.

20 thoughts on “Is it Mayday or May Day?

  1. A difference between mayday and May Day is, mayday means means when you need help on the radio, you say: “mayday”, “mayday”. May Day is a holiday in may. May Day is a holiday usaully celebrated on the 1st of May. It is a traditional spring holiday in many European cultures.

    • You’ve added good information here. Why do you suppose “mayday” would make sense as something to say when one is facing an emergency and needs help?

      • A difference between mayday means when you need help on the radio like a pilot in an airplane or in a ship you say: “mayday”, “mayday” calling for help. May Day is any day in the month of May or a holiday in may. Like May 1st Day it is a holiday Labor Day in Mexico as a May 5th “Cinco de Mayo Batalla de Puebla” (Battle of Puebla), of Mother’s Day who is in a May Day too, in Mexico Mother’s Day is always on the 10th of May.

      • Seems like you are having good conversations & making good connections there. Thanks for the input, and a Hapy May Day to you!

      • mayday got it’s international distress call in 1923. He came up with the idea for “mayday” because it sounded like the french word m’adider, which means help me. Sometimes when there is an emergency, people say “mayday” into a radio when they are on a ship or a aircraft.

      • Seems like you did some research! Good for you! (Any pointers for those of us interested in your information source?)

    • Thank you. I will wish you a Happy May Day (and will join everyone who is wishing a Happy May Day to working folks around the world).

  2. The difference between mayday and May Day is mayday means help or in trouble when in a situation, so on the radio you say “mayday, mayday.” When May Day is a festival of spring on May 1st or the Monday of May. It is celebrated in many different European cultures. It includes dancing, singing and cake. Happy May Day Mr. Milloy!

    • That is good news! I hope you will find the assignments we’ll be working on this week (and the rest of the month) will be even more interesting. See you at the class meeting!

  3. May Day(May 1)is a spring festival celebrated in many countries. This day marks the revival of early spring, after the end of winter. This festival originally came from a Roman festival and then eventually joined with a Celtic celebration. There are different ways to celebrate this festival as in different counties and this holiday became the most favourite holidays of English villages in the medieval times. Sometimes, this festival is a celebration of working people.

    Mayday is an international distress signal. You say this when calling for help. It is different from the celebration May Day.

    • What a great deal of detail! As I looked at available information and different sites that I might share with students who might have questions, I found an interesting mix of sites whose information was presented in different forms (text, images, video…). I’d be interested to know what sources you consulted.

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