What An Waste

Today we read an article about “Food Waste”

It was about how people wasted so many food, and did you know we actually waste three times more than all the human in the world’s weight. I think it’s a really bad idea for people to keep on wasting food, we really need so stop and if we don’t we will hurt our own plant that might be the only plant we can live on! I agree who ever made this article, it is really powerful! It could tell everyone to stop wasting food, SO WE CAN STILL LIVE ON OUR PLANT! Just image   how gross if all the waste food is in your food scraps bin, is it really gross I would agree yes it is, but it’s not actually all whoever is waste food. I want to say that think before you make a meal is it going to be to less food or enough food or do you have to waste food just because you made to many food, Now back to food wasting if you waste food guess what’s going to happen, it going to go to the food scraps bin and then it is gonna go to a big hole which is a landfill, and guess what they are not going to do even thing about it! They are just going to leave it, but the good thing is that they can get eaten be decomposed, but you think it’s a good thing actually good to leave food in the landfill? Thing about that. The food that you waste is a giant problem it is gross but think about Mother Nature we    are killing Mother Nature by wasting food and also just like garbage I don’t want to waste food maybe you guys too but if you want to prove it that we are not making our Mother Nature dirty DO IT BY YOUR ACTIONS!


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