To Eat or Not to Eat Seals?

I don’t think that people should add harp seal’s in restaurants because there population will start to decrease and there will be a higher chance of harp seal’s of becoming extinct.                                                                                     I also think why people shouldn’t add harp seal’s in restaurants because most people probably won’t use all of the parts except the Inuit use all of the parts which I think is fine because they are not wasting the them.                                                                                Lastly why I don’t think you should add harp seals in restaurants is because the Canadian government  is now allowing to harvest 400,000 harp seal in restaurants but  people are only harvesting around 30,000 harp seals which might sound like a little amount but some people think that it’s a big amount which I agree that harvesting 30,000 harp seals is an enormous amount.                          This is why I don’t suggest adding harp seal’s in restaurants.       

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