Seal Writing Opinion

I think seals should not be served on the menu because thousands of seals are killed each year and in my opinion i feel that will end up decreasing the population like in 2007 OVER 90,000 seals were killed, in 2008 275,000 seals were killed, anyway the finished number from all the years (2007-2010) is 975,000 WOW that’s a lot. And have you seen their faces their Super Cute! I hope i changed your mind about eating seal.

Thank You

– Anjuli

1 thought on “Seal Writing Opinion

  1. Your write a very strong opinion statement. Now you need to write your paragraph. While this is a good beginning, you will need to develop your ideas your ideas further.
    I didn’t realize that many seals were killed! Where did you get your facts? If you could reference your websites, I would love to read more!

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