Is Cole OK?

baby sparrows like those Cole sawWe’ve hit a very powerful series of events in our story, and our main character, Cole, has had what may be a life-changing experience. That is, it may change his life IF he lives. When we left him, he had broken ribs, a broken pelvis, a bone sticking out of his arm and his chest ripped open. Even in that state, he told Garvey (his parole officer) that he was OK.

What do you think? Is Cole OK? Why or why not?

38 thoughts on “Is Cole OK?

    • Many readers would seem to agree with you, but what would be interesting is to know what makes YOU think his mental state has improved?

    • Cole is in bad shape. There can be little doubt about that, and maybe that is enough to decide that he is not OK. But there are people who are unable to move any of their limbs and need help breathing who still lead meaningful, useful lives. Could Cole become someone like that? What do you think would need to happen for him to go on to lead a meaningful life?

  1. Well, it happened. It finally happened, and despite his conditions, he has more hatred than ever. This is very humorous. Not only has this been a part that character progression is even a term, but Cole has started to get sick of himself.

    • There is no doubt that Cole harbours a lot of anger. I cannot think of the evidence that shows that he has more hatred than ever. I also need some help to know which part you are thinking of as humorous. (There is plenty of humour in the story, even in serious sections, but I might not be thinking of the parts you are writing about.)
      Tell us about what you noticed in the story that led you to your conclusions. We are getting an interesting mix of interpretations here, and it would be even more interesting if you would explain a bit more of your thought process.

  2. I think that Cole is not ok because he broke a lot of his bones and he broke many bones and he is also starving to death and he has hypothermia.

    • Garvey would agree with you, and you describe some scary details about his health. It does seem pretty certain that if Cole had been left on the island, he would have died. But now he is being cared for by a nurse and is headed to a hospital. His physical situation is serious but improved. Is there anything else that matters besides broken bones and body temperature?

  3. Cole is OK he might look mangled but believe it or not he is och on the inside Cole may not think he is tough any more but Cole’s strongest power now is truth. the baby sparrows may have died but there spirit is still with him.

    • Your idea that the baby sparrows’ spirits might be part of Cole now is a fascinating one. I’d like to know more about what you think that could mean for Cole. Is that what makes Cole OK in your eyes? What is it about the sparrows’ spirits that could help make Cole OK (even though he is badly damaged physically and may never regain use of one of his arms)?

      Please keep writing about your thoughts.

  4. I think Cole is not okay and the book (Touching Spirit Bear) proves it.
    Half your bones are busted, your body is swollen like one huge mosquito bite, and you nearly starved to death.-Pg 102
    He’s been attacked by a bear.-Pg 101
    Mosquitoes and horseflies swarmed around Cole’s face.-Pg 84
    The bear’s claws had raked him open.-Pg 68
    One of the gulls squawked as it stole a stringy piece of meat and skin from another gull.- Pg 68
    He ignored the thistles as the bear sank its teeth into his thighs, lifting him like a rag doll.- Pg 66
    Look at all those things that happened to Cole. He was attacked from a raging bear, horseflies and mosquitoes and seagulls. He broke half of his bones too and the book says it. So Cole is NOT okay.

    • It is hard to argue with such clear evidence. I can’t imagine any doctor saying that Cole is ready to be released from a hospital in this shape. Other readers think he might be OK. Is there a way both points of view could be reasonable?

    • By the way the one who was saying half your bones are busted…..was
      Garvey also a gull is a seagull just to let you people know.

  5. I the Cole is not OK because he got mauled by a bear and he had to eat live animals to just survive for while. But I also think Cole is also OK because he everybody is supporting him.

    • I’m not sure what you mean by, “…he everybody is supporting him.” Who is everybody? How are they supporting him? How is it that the actions of other people are making it that Cole is OK? After receiving those terrible wounds, isn’t just surviving enough to be OK?

      Please keep showing more of your thinking.

    • Your punctuation suggests that you feel very strongly about your position. Please use more sentences (and evidence) to help us understand why you think Cole is not OK. (You may notice from other comments that not everyone will agree with you. That’s just fine, but maybe reading about your ideas will help others see things differently, whether they agree with you or not.

  6. Is Cole okay? Mr. Milloy asked us to write about if we think he is okay or not. In my opinion Cole is physically in terrible shape. Like Garvey said on page 102 “Half your bones are busted, your body is swollen like a giant mosquito bite, and your nearly starved to death.” Also, Cole’s chest is ripped open. So physically, Cole is not okay.
    But, if you think about it, Cole is mentally great. On page 97, Cole realises that the world is beautiful and he is determined to survive. Also, on page 102 Cole weakly grunts to Garvey twice saying “I’m okay.” So mentally, Cole is okay. So that is why Cole is physically terrible but mentally okay.

    • I’m glad you highlighted Cole’s revelation about beauty. I wonder whether the ability to recognise beauty might be necessary in order for people to truly appreciate anything. It sure seems that along with noticing beauty in nature, Cole may have also gained an appreciation for how beautiful it is when people care about others.

  7. I think that Cole is okay not okay not okay. Cole is okay because he finally found out that beauty was around him and that Garvey and Edwin came to save his life before dying.

    Cole is not okay because when Edwin and Garvey came to save him on the boat by bringing him to the hospital. When they reached their destination getting off the boat Cole got his leg scratched on the wooden bench while getting off.

    • I think I need help with the first sentences of each of your paragraphs. I’m also not sure I understand the significance of the rough ride Cole got when being lifted out of the boat. I’m sure it hurt, but compared to what the bear did to him, it doesn’t seem as significant.

  8. I don’t think that Cole is OK because a spirit bear attacked Cole, broke some of his bones, Cole got a lot of mosquito bites on his left arm he hasn’t ate for a very long time and while he was on a boat with while rescuing him he accedentily scraped his leg. that is why I don’t think that Cole is OK

    • You make some good points. Cole is sure not in good shape. What do you think about what others have said – those who think he IS OK (at least in some ways)?

  9. I think Cole is okay because he got back from the island and he’s with a doctor. I also think Cole is okay because everybody is supporting him.
    On the other hand I think Cole’s not okay because Cole was ripped apart by the spirit bear. Also because he was going to starve to death. Another thing Garvey said in the story is ‘’believe me, champ you’re not okay and I thing Cole isn’t okay because when he was on the island he could only move his left arm and head so he had to eat bugs, rats, worms and even his own vomit.

    • He’s in rough shape; that’s for sure. I am interested that you pointed out how many people are helping him. Do you think he’s getting more help now than before he went to the island?

  10. Is Cole okay? Mr. Milloy asked us to answer that question. I think it’s a really bad question (no offense Mr Milloy). There isn’t exactly answer. I even asked Mr Milloy if he meant physically or mentally. So I have two answers. Garvey said on page 102 “Half your bones are busted, your body is swollen like a giant mosquito bite, and your nearly starved to death.” Cole’s chest is raked open and has 2 healthy body parts, his left arm and his head. So physically, Cole is not okay.
    But, if you think about it, Cole is mentally better than before. On page 97, Cole realizes how much beauty he destroyed and how beautiful the world is. And, on page 102 Cole weakly grunts to Garvey twice saying “I’m okay.” So in a way he is okay and in another he’s not.

    • I appreciate your desire to seek out the best response and your recognition that either/or options can be unsatisfying. They usually are, especially when compared with the more nuanced (if complicated) alternatives that negotiate the grey areas between yes & no.
      By staking out your ground in the middle and showing the reasons to support your position, you’ve been able to show your thinking and make a good case for your answer to my simple question. You may even have discovered that the best answer to most questions is, “It depends,” which of course leads one to ask, “On what?”
      Cole was rescued & got medical treatment. As Rosey pointed out (p. 106), his body will heal in a matter of months (even if some level of disability lingers). If he’s now going to live and was able to face Death feeling content that he had seen beauty & experienced trust (even if only at the last moment) doesn’t that show that he is OK in a way that means more than the number of broken bones he has or limbs he can move? Might that be even more significant even than how long he lives?

      Keep it up!

  11. I think that Cole is ok because he is in a hospital and he has Garvey that feds him
    and Rosey is fixing his wounds his father is giving Cole money his mother is cleaning
    his clothes.I though that the spirit Bear was gana help cole then intel Garvey saved him.

    Touching Spirit Bear By Ben Mikaelsen

    • I hadn’t realised Cole’s father was giving him anything; maybe you can help me find it in the story.

      Might there still be some way the Spirit Bear could still help him?

  12. I think Cole is not OK because Cole got attacked by a bear and the bird’s ate Cole’s flesh and he ate a rat two worms and his own barf and the bear put his weight on Cole’s chest and the bear broke his arm and his ribs and Cole new that he was going to die.

    • Cole is in bad shape, as you noted. While it was uncomfortable to read about all the things he ate after he was injured, didn’t that give him the energy his body needed? It might have helped him stay alive long enough for Garvey & Edwin to find him.

      What did you think about what your classmates said about why some of them thought that Cole might be OK?

  13. I think Cole is not OK because he is physically damaged and he almost died of Starvation and Hypothermia.
    “Mentally” he is better then before and he is more Abel to speak more of his mind.

    • Some might argue that Cole spoke and showed what he was feeling quite a lot before his encounter with the bear. In what ways, specifically, do you think he is in a better mental state? How is he now better at speaking his mind?

  14. Is Cole Okay
    I think Cole is obviously not okay because the spirit bear demolished him into pieces that cough, move any parts of his body except for his head and left arm.after a while Cole saw these baby birds on the ground and two were dead while the other two still alive with their beaks open,Cole paused to look at them and though(telling himself). “Why did these birds die in the storm even though I should’ve been dead.” then Cole remembered what Garvey(the paral officer) said, “You Live,Die,And Rotten.” Cole then had a flashback.

    Pg.69 he was attacked by the spirit bear even though it tried to protect itself.

    Pg.101 Cole was starving so he ate animals also a mouse.

    Pg.102 he’s got a: broken pelvis, a bone is sticking out of his right arm, snapped his rib cage and literary he’s ripped to his flesh.

    The spirit bear came back and stared at Cole with different emotions, that made Cole mad but he said in his head “Food is energy, Energy is Life.”

    Before Cole’s dad never really knew his birthday and inside of him I could tell that Cole felt hurt in his heart that he told Garvey that he doesn’t know at all.

    • You retell a long and terrifying list of some of what happened to Cole. I’m interested to know more about how you could tell that, “…Cole felt hurt in his heart…”. Rosey told Cole that his mind would not heal as easily as his body (p. 107). Does that mean Cole is even worse off than your description of his physical condition suggests? What do you think?

  15. I think that Cole is not OK because he can’t move his right arm and his legs. Cole can’t breathe well Cole also ate mouse and bugs, the baby sparrow might have died the spirit bear attacked him.

    • I’m not sure I understand how eating the bugs & mouse make him not OK. Is that what you mean? How are the sparrows connected to whether Cole is OK or not? (I think there could be a connection, but I can’t tell what you think from your comment here.)

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