I2 Journal

Week one

For my inquiry, I am working on Naruto and I have already known about Naruto for a while now so I am really gonna have to dig deep into naruto to find more interesting information about naruto.

Week two

Not much progress with my inquiry right now since I haven’t really found out how I’m going to layout or format my inquiry but I do have a couple of ideas in mind.

Week three

I found out what I am going to do to layout my project with a little help with my Milloy and I am going split my project into little sections with different ideas but with one big topic

Week four

I have written some info on some docs but things are not looking so great and it’s not really turning out how I want it to maybe I have to do a little bit more thinking with how I going to explain my inquiry and show it effectively

Week five

I did a lot more thinking and I am now going to use a poster and print all my papers on the poster and now I have to think of an elevator pitch and memorize so that I won’t have to look at the papers that all the info I ‘ve written is on

Week six

I’ve pretty much finished my inquiry and now all I have to do is print all the papers I’ve written at school then get a big poster and boom I all finished.

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