Bard on the Beach (Reflection)

Bard on the beach came to classroom for a workshop we did a lot of cool activities like shaping or friends into sentences that we picked. It was really cool how they really taught us about Shakespeare and how he created a lot of the words we use today. He was a really good poem maker as well and in all the workshop was really cool. And i was really exciting when i learned we were going to watch romeo and Juliet at bard on the beach. Then it was finally the when we got to watch Romeo and Juliet. But we did know a little bit of what was gonna happen so we weren’t in the blue. We knew a lot of the big parts of the play and the play really surprise me in the way of that  i thought that the play would be really serious in the entire play but the play was actuality really funny in a lot of parts so in all i really really like bard on the beach.

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