Reflection: Maestro Tovey

Maestro Tovey is an amazing british conductor! He came to our school and performed to us ( he even made up a song on the spot). He has won awards and traveled a lot of places to perform. It was a great honour to have him visit us!

Listening and watching Maestro Tovey reminded me how beautiful piano music is, and also that even though Beethoven lost his hearing, he still managed to compose great music (music that we probably couldn’t compose even with hearing).

I found it really cool how the Maestro could play the piano so fast! He made me think that music is sometimes hypnotic  because when I listened to the music, it made me feel hypnotized… weird.

I think that different kinds of music make me feel different things. For example, if you listen to loud, fast music, it might make you feel more energetic But if you listen to slow, relaxing music, it might make you calmer. I think this because at different points of a song that was played, it was fast, which made me feel tenser, but when the music slowed down, it made me calmer.

Music is amazing! It is so cool how music can effect (most of) us even though it isn’t a living thing. Just like computers and phones can effect our living and how we think, even though it doesn’t have a brain and emotions. (Or does it?)


1 thought on “Reflection: Maestro Tovey

  1. Your observations about how many things (including and perhaps especially music) can affect our lives were particularly interesting to me. I do think most of us are likely to feel calmed by music that is slow or gentle and excited by music that is fast or loud. Have a look at my comment on Alexey’s reflection, though. It seems we can also be surprised about the effects different types of music have for different people.

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