Maestro Tovey

Listening to and watching Maestro Tovey reminded me of that music is important in life. I have this special feeling in my body, a feeling that I only feel when I listen to music. When I listen to calm music, I feel relaxed and calm. When I listen to rough, hard, loud music, I feel scared, feeling like a bad day. A really bad, not like a bad hair day…a day where everything goes wrong!

Well, my family isn’t into music…but my dad is into singing. In fact he sings every day, he sings well, well better than my mom. I’m into singing and dancing. So is my sister. My mom isn’t into anything.

The third thing I was going to say was that when I listen to calm music, I can picture a picture, I can picture something calm. Same thing as when I listen to heavy music.

Thank you for reading.

7 thoughts on “Maestro Tovey

  1. What you are describing about how music makes your body feel, we sometimes use the word “visceral” to describe. I think that speaks to how powerful music can be and to how engaging Maestro Tovey is.

    I am glad you are noticing music’s power & importance. I suspect the joy your family takes in singing has been helpful in enabling you to connect with music. We certainly don’t have to be highly-trained musicians to enjoy singing or just sharing music!

    • I just learned a new word today! “visceral” my sister is going to learn “ballet!” in July. you are right that music is really powerful! A fact about me is that when I am lonely and sad, I just sing again to cheer me up. Singing always brings me a good mood! Even when I am having a bad day and nothing goes right. I just sing or think of how lucky we are living in Canada. I think out of my dad and his 3 brothers, he likes singing the most! Out of my cousins, my sister and I like to sing more! We sing in public sometimes and don’t get shy. We just keep on singing. I sing a lot. It’s just a hobby I love!

  2. Music is very powerful and like you wrote depending on the type of music it can invoke different feelings. All music is beautiful and I’m glad you can feel calm when listening to the type of music you like. No matter what’s going on around you, music can always be your safe place. (:

    • Thank you for commenting Arsh! Music is almost my number one thing to make me calm! I can’t be calm with a little sister screaming every single day! i listen to music every day! how often do you listen to music? Have you ever met Maestro Tovey before? He is a really good piano player for someone who is 62! Thank you for commenting! I hope to see more comments coming!

  3. No problem! I listen to music as much as I possibly can, it’s my safe place. And no, I haven’t met Maestro Tovey but I’m sure he’s amazing. That’s so good to hear that singing cheers you up, it’s truly therapeutic and magical. If singing is what makes you happy, I hope you sing as loud as you can everyday 🙂

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