
Hey guys it’s me Angelina, and on Saturday Jan 2nd we went to Hawaii and on Saturday 9th (today) we’re coming back to Vancouver. So on Monday for breakfast my mom, brother, aunt, uncle, moms boyfriend, and my other uncle went to Wailana’s CafĂ© and Diner and it was really good Hawaiian food. Then after breakfast we went back to the hotel room and got changed into our bathing suits and went to the beach and went swimming. After swimming we went for dinner at Side Street Inn and it was amazing food. On Tuesday we went to dim sum for brunch then for dinner we went to red lobster and it wasn’t that good, it was ok. On Wednesday we went to a aquarium called Sea Life Park, at the aquarium there was a bird cage and we got to go in and feed the birds. After that we went on a boat and we saw swimming in the ocean. Then we went to Sam’s Kitchen for dinner and it was good. On Thursday we went to Kailua beach, then Subway for lunch. On Friday we went to Hanauma Bay and went snorkeling, for dinner we went to Roy’s.

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