


I am full of hair

i have everything as my hair, my clothes shoes and loads of pairs

they think am weird which i really am

and my name is also Pam

I have loads of pets and my favorite one is my pet


flowers bloom all day

flowers are beautiful too

you should smell some too



secret, disguise

sneaking, lying, spying

there very cool




yummy,  delicious

crunching, chewing, eating

tomatoes, cherries, lettuce, strawberry

cook, microwave, measure

bland, sweet, bitter





1 thought on “Poetry

  1. I find yoru diamante most effective (but perhaps I’m a little hungry right now!). That poem and your cinquain follow the format for these poems, and they work finr. These forms of poetry, and even haiku, have straightforward rules that help us to write them. I wonder whether you might be able to experiment with other words that could replace “smell” in your haiku and that might allow you to make some changes, avoid repeating the word, “too,” and create an even more powerful image or sense.

    Keep working on finding the rhythm in a Limerick. Look at the example on the handout. The weak STRONG weak pattern has got to be there for a Limerick to work. Keep experimenting and toying with it after you are sure you can hear & feel that rhythm.

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