Wonder Take Away Lesson

Wonder Take Away Lessons I find that wonder is a good book with some great lessons.One of my favorite lessons in wonder is’’Always be kinder than necessary’’ i find that,that’s a really good quote because you can never go wrong when your kind.It is always necessary to be kind.         








3 thoughts on “Wonder Take Away Lesson

  1. “Always be kinder than necessary” Is a really important quote for all of us to remember. I think that this lesson really stands out in the book. That lesson is also my favourite lesson in the book. (Thought I did not include it in my post)

  2. I really liked the fact that you put “Always be kinder then necessary” because that to me is one of the most important quotes in the book.

    Also you are very right about that you can never go wrong with being kind i think that is a very important thought that came to your mind.

    My one wish is that you could take another thing out of Wonder…but overall you did a very good job with your writing!!!

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