
What I Take Away From Wonder

There are a lot of things that I liked, and that I learned from. But I’m going to tell you about a couple things that stood out for me. For example, Mr. Browne’s precepts, such as “Choose Kind”or “Your deeds are your monuments. I also particularly enjoy some of the quotes. Here is my favourite quote from the book.

Now here is my secret. It is very simple. It is only with one’s heart that one can see clearly. What is essential is visible to the eye.

– Antoine de Saint Exupery, “The Little Prince”

Some of the MAIN characters are:


  • August
  • Julian
  • Jack
  • Summer
  • Via
  • Justin
  • Miranda
  • Mom
  • Dad
  • Daisy
  • Mr. Tushman
  • Mr. Brown
  • (That is just naming a few!!!)

Now, let’s move onto a topic which is, ATTITUDE

I DEFINITELY think that Julian showed some negative attitude towards August.

(e.g. leaving notes, criticising August, etc.)

But I ALSO think that August showed some negative attitude towards himself too.

(e.g. Criticising his facial deformity, saying he looked “ugly”, etc.)

If I kept going, it would take a long, long time… so, bye for now!


3 thoughts on “Wonder

  1. This is a really good post! 🙂 I like how you mentioned Mr. Browne’s precepts. My favourite precept was “If you’re given the choice of being right or being kind, choose kind.” You are also right about August sometimes showing a negative attitude towards himself. Great job! 🙂

  2. i agree with you i think that there is some negative attitude form Julian and from August,but i do think that when you said the quote was from The Little Prince i got a little bit confused ,and i thought that you were reading the book The Little Prince,then later i found out that the quote was in the book Wonder.Nice job!(:

  3. Wow. Very well said Sarina. I like the way you listed some main characters, I REALLY DO!!! You seem like a very intelligent kid. Your teacher must be super proud.

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