Women Rights

Women'S March, Political, Rally, Human    Women rights have been a big controversy over the past centuries. I am a girl, and I want to have all the same rights as men when I grow up. we have gotten better over the past decade. But I know we can do better.

Women are human not objects. Men are human their not objects either. shouldn’t we all be able to grow up in a society where women and men can unite as one? and plus why do we have to have gender roles? we as people should be able to see a Girl walk in a suit and not get judge them. A Man should be able to where make up and a dress and not get call  names.

In past years and still in some country’s women are forced to stay at home and work, girls did not get an education. Its saddens me that this happened. girls get judged when they walk out showing “to much skin” because of society. Showing your chest is inappropriate. I believe if men can wear anything so can women.

In the end of the day, my gender does not define me neither does yours if we as people can join hands we can hep make the world a better place.

(this picture is from pixa bay you can danload pictures for free :https://pixabay.com/  )


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