Aqua Van Reflection

Aqua Van Reflection
On February 7 2017 we got the honoured to get to see the aqua van (Vancouver Aquarium).All classes got to go see the Aqua van in the gym,Our class and Div 4 got to go at the same time.I learned lots of things from the Aqua van and got to see and touch sea anemones,sea urchins,star fishes and crabs.We also got to see and touch skulls of animals,some were real some were models an Orca’s fin,stuffed animals of sea creatures,a model of a sea anemone and an Arctic wolf’s fur.We got to see a giant map of all of the Arctic,we learned about global warming,how it’s going to affect us,the animals in the Arctic and the people that live on the Arctic. The instructor told us not to use a lot of plastic to try and stop global warming.

Thank you very much for reading my blog article about my Aqua van reflection and I hope you have wonderful day or night.

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