edible Canada










Edible Canadians

Hi,In my class we were talking about harp seals on the menu my friends thought it was gross but i thought it was good we were having a vote then my friends decided that we would want to talk harp seals off the menu that’s when my teacher told us that we’re gonna write on our blogs about harp seals My thoughts is to eat seals because some people don’t  have a lot of food so they,might have to eat seals we should eat seals because there is a lot of harp seal We should not eat seals because they did not harm us also then they will be endangered specie for the past six years, nearly 400,000 harp seals were hunted by Canadians the population has declined rapidly by over 50% , and there were an estimated 5,500,000 Harp seal in 2004 harp seals can live up to 25 to 30 years in the wild  so that is all i have to say to you guys and girls.


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