Should You Eat Seal?

Should You Eat Seal?


     Eating seals is horrible and I entirely disagree with it. It is fine if the Inuit eat them because it is part of their culture and they use every single part of it. But I have seen pictures on the internet of people killing the seals, taking the meat or just the fur and leaving the rest of the seal to rot.

If we continue to kill and eat seals it will affect their population. I know some people disagree that that can happen but there is a chance it might. We are allowed to kill 400,000 seals a year. I know so far we have killed 35,000, but that still is a lot if you think about it. Killing seals will lead to endangerment and then extinction.

     I learned that when the seals are killed they are not dead right away. That is horrible! I also learned that even the babies are killed only when they are three weeks old for their fur. That affects the population even more.  

The world already kills enough animals and we can survive fine without eating seals. Cows, pigs, chickens, ducks, rabbits, sharks, fish and many more animals get killed to be eaten. If we keep killing animals and eating them there will be no more and will affect the whole food chain.

Some people think that seals should not be eaten because they are cute. Cows and pigs are cute but they should supposedly get killed. Their look is not important. They have feelings too.

So in conclusion, seals should not get killed. I hope these reasons have convinced you enough so that you have a different perspective on this problem and you will not choose eat seals.

2 thoughts on “Should You Eat Seal?

  1. I am inclined to agree with you that there are problems with the way we use animals for food. I wonder whether some folks who may disagree with you might be swayed by arguments about the resources we end up using to raise animals for food and the wastes associated with those industries. I’m not sure I buy your argument that seems to suggest that our consumption of farm animals will disrupt the natural food chain.

    Keep reading, listening, and thinking about important issues, and definitely keep expressing your own ideas!

  2. I agree with Holly that we should not be eating seals. Just because it’s edible doesn’t mean that we eat it. In some countries, dogs and cats are eaten. Do we go there next? I like your statement that the world kills enough animals and we can survive without eating seals.
    This essay was a very well written.

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