should we put seal on the menu?

Should we eat seals?


 Some facts that come with eating seals is that seals are very nutritious, alongside the fact that we are a loud to harvest over 400,000 seals a year. The government’s decision are to be taken, and with consideration. I understand that every one believes in what they may, but people’s arguments  range from dishonesty to saying they are cute. It is clear people had enough of eating animals, which I can respect.

But if eating seals is, in the same world that people eat fish, is not fair. Then why do we even eat animals to begin with? It is not fair that we just take everything for granted, but in the same sense that we eat fish, a point I’ve already made, Eating seals is on that same level. I don’t care how cute an animal is, that does not distinguish the fact that we’re eating them.



2 thoughts on “should we put seal on the menu?

  1. Accusing others of dishonesty is a very strong claim! Is the dishonesty so common that significant numbers of people are forming opinions based on falsehoods? Can you point out some of the misleading information?

    It seems like you may be trying to make an argument for vegetarianism, but you haven’t come out and clearly said so. Are you? It could be a strong position to defend.

  2. It seems like to me that you are saying if we eat some animals, why not eat them all? Or not eat them altogether? If you are making a strong argument for vegetarianism then be bold about it!

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