Which stupid animal?

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fir0002 | flagstaffotos.com.au [GFDL 1.2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/fdl-1.2.html)], via Wikimedia Commons

We recently read some very intense scenes in our novel, Ben Mikaelsen’s Touching Spirit Bear. On page 64, while Cole was facing the bear with the spear he made, he “…hesitated to glance over his shoulder. No one was watching. He could easily back away from this bear and not a single human being on the planet would ever know.” So why didn’t Cole back away?

Even after the violent attack, as Cole lay near Death’s door, he bemoaned his bad luck to have happened to end up with a “stupid bear,” the same bear he had referred to as a “stupid moron” for not knowing that Cole would try to kill it. Is Cole so incapable of thinking about someone else’s point of view, someone else’s feelings, that he is doomed to a lonely, angry existence for the rest of whatever life he has left? Is he even capable of thinking about his own feelings?

30 thoughts on “Which stupid animal?

    • Do you mean that the spirit bear is not stupid because it was able to hurt Cole (i.e. maul him)? I don’t understand how an animal’s physical strength or ability to overpower another animal is a sign of its smarts. I’d be interested to know more about your ideas. There are some other questions I asked in my post. I’d also be interested to know your thoughts about those questions.

  1. Cole probably didn’t back away from the bear because he didn’t thought that the bear was going to attack him. I kinda think that Cole doesn’t really think about his own feelings because he always thinks about other people and not really about himself.

    • You’ve brought up a very interesting point here about what Cole might be thinking about. I think you are probably right that Cole doesn’t really think about his own feelings, not deeply anyway. Looking over his shoulder shows that he is thinking about other people, at least enough to worry about what they might think or say. There is a strange combination here in that by worrying about what others might think or say about him (or whether they fear him), Cole is constantly thinking about other people, yet he only seems to do so when it comes to others’ thoughts about him. In that way, maybe he’s not really thinking about others at all.

  2. at the moment Cole is finally understanding not all shall go his way. since he got attacked by the spirit bear, hes coming to an understanding. its okay to die their is nothing wrong with it. although if he really wants to live he will fight for it. i still think that Cole is selfish. the reason i think that is because, he always thinks its not his fault. and doesn’t care if the spirit bear dies. in fact he wants it to die. he wants to kill the spirit bear, he doesn’t understand why the spirit bear hates him. well firstly, what would you expect? its a bear! of course its going to attack! to protect its self. just like any other living creature, the bear protected its self, if i was Cole i would back off of some animal that is 10 times bigger then me. it was Cole’s fault and he has to no matter what under stand. he lacks of understanding.

    • Does the spirit bear hate Cole? Do you think Cole is motivated by hate for the bear, or is it something else?
      Was the bear the stupid animal or was another animal not being very smart?

  3. Cole is realizing that things aren’t always someone else’s fault. Realizing that other things and people have feelings. That he had false power.

    • How do you think it will change Cole after his realisation about other people? One of the most powerful parts of the story for me was when Cole recognised his helplessness, which I think may lead to him being willing to ask for help.

      When we ask for help, are we showing that we are weak or that we are strong?

  4. In my opinion Cole is capable of reconizing his own feelings. Back through chapter 4 through 7, in his flashbacks all he wants to know is if Circle Justice will get him out of jail. I know this is being selfish and all, but if you think about it Cole is sort of recognizing the feeling that he totally, definitely does not want to go to jail. That is at least a feeling, and later when he gets to the island some tears do come to him remembering his past and how his father has been treating him. There are two reasons he went to the island. He did not want to go to jail and He wanted change, and change did come. Later (on pg 97) when he is lying on the ground from the Spirt Bear attack, he realizes that the world is beautiful and he has missed so much beauty. That is why, in my opinion, Cole can recognize his own feelings.

    • You make interesting points that will challenge most readers’ initial reactions to Cole. It is helpful that you were able to point to specific parts of the story. You give us a good reminder that Cole has always had feelings; surely his powerful rage was a feeling! At least he seems to be paying closer attention to his feelings and thinking about them now.

  5. i think cole is really the stupid animal because he wanted to kill a spirt bear and all of Cole’s life he use his fake power all of his life and didn’t back alway because of that

    • I agree that Cole wasn’t very bright when he attacked the bear, not bright at all. I also agree that what Cole thought made him powerful gave him no power at all (lies, manipulation, violence…). I’m not sure I understand what you mean when you say that was why he didn’t back away from attacking the bear, and I would like to know what you mean.

  6. I think that Cole should of backed away in the first place Cole should of not even trie to kill the spirit bear. My theory is Cole will be a better person and make way better dissensions in life. and I think that Cole probably didn’t back away from the bear because he didn’t thought that the bear was going to attack him.

    • Why are you so optimistic about Cole’s future? His track record sure doesn’t look good, and as Edwin has said, no one stops being angry forever. Help us understand (and maybe share) your reasons to be hopeful.

  7. I think Cole is a not smart guy because he didn’t back away from this bear its his fault for getting cuts, broken bones, and open flesh, and still he blames this bear he should blame him self.

    • It is hard to argue with your points. Cole attacked the bear. Why do you think he was unable to see what serious danger he would be in if he challenged the bear? Do you think he blames himself now?

  8. I think Cole didn’t back away from the Spirit Bear because he probably thought the bear wasn’t scared. He probably approached it because he wanted the bear to be scared but it ended up attacking him. Like Erica0111 he doesn’t think about his own feelings he think about other people more than himself. He needs to notice that he was the bad one not the people he blamed.

    • You are at least the second writer to mention that Cole’s mind is on others. It helped me to understand your position when you added that Cole needs to notice that the people he has been blaming may not be the ones at fault. Maybe there is a connection between the way he has put blame on everyone else, the need he seems to feel that everyone should fear him and his own fears. Do you think he is afraid to accept blame (or responsibility)?

  9. I think the spirit bear is not stupid because it’s capable of being that so in the end he will help them, also during chapter 4 till 7 Cole has seen him more than once
    so if he tied to attack the spirit bear Cole most likely wouldn’t win against him but in the healing circle everyone hated Cole that they though he was stupid .

    In my opinion Cole has always been the stupid one so if this actually happens that Cole attacked the spirit bear.

    • I’m glad that you seem to have noticed the irony in Cole’s comment about the bear not being very smart. I cannot tell what you think the bear is capable of being though. You have many ideas in that sentence that I am having trouble putting together. I will look forward to you helping me understand you better.

  10. Yes Cole is capable of his feeling own feeling’s because when his life about to end Cole found out about beauty around him and decided to live and tell the truth rather than to lie.

    • That was a powerful part of the story when Cole realised that there was beauty in the world, but it is difficult to tell just what you mean about him being capable of “his feeling own feeling’s.” Tell us more. Does reading about Cole’s discovery or his decision to toss aside the fur change your thinking about how you see your life or your actions?

  11. I don’t think that the spirit bear is a stupid moron because the spirit bear was using self defence by attacking Cole because Cole ripped of the fur on the spirit bear.

    • I agree with you that the spirit bear seems very rational, far from stupid. What did it make you think when we read Cole’s thinking that the bear was stupid for not knowing to be afraid of him?

      Did the bear attack Cole in response to Cole ripping at its fur?

  12. In this situation, Cole is. He attacked the bear first. He thought that attacking the bear would give him power or pride or something. All it gave him was near-death realization. If you ask me it was for the better. All the bear did was defend itself, I mean I would fight for my life if some foolish teenage boy tried to kill me for no reason.

    • I must say I agree with you. I hope you are never in such a dangerous situation! But I also hope that you will stand up for and fight for yourself when the need arises. Our decisions and our battles won’t always be as obvious as the bear’s.

  13. I think that the spirit bear is not stupid because he was trying to protected himself that is why the spirit bear attacked Cole.

    • The bear wouldn’t have been making a good decision not to protect its life, that is very true. Was Cole behaving intelligently?

  14. All I hope is that Cole is grieving this moment. Injured? Well, it makes no deference Cole is still the mean one we all know and somewhat love.

    • Why do you think Cole is somewhat loved? That is an interesting comment. Don’t a lot of people (characters in the story & some readers) harbour strong, angry feelings for him?

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