Meet Cole Matthews

This is a picture of the kind of bear our character, Cole Matthews, said he would kill if he saw one. Cole is a pretty angry, selfish person it seems. He continues to blame others for his situation, and his first thoughts seem to be about what has happened to him rather than about what he has done or can do.

What is your reaction to Cole so far? Please leave a comment, and remember to include evidence from the text in to support your opinion.

Kermode bear

By The original uploader was Jackmont at English Wikipedia (Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons.) [GFDL ( or CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

48 thoughts on “Meet Cole Matthews

  1. Cole Matthews is a boy that head a hard time as he was growing his mom and dad
    got drunk all the time when his dad gets drunk to much he hits Cole

    • You paint a pretty sad picture of Cole, and surely much of his life has been sad. What does that make you think about Cole’s actions? Do you think he wants change?

  2. Cole Matthew is being selfish and should control his temper because Cole already beat up Peter Driscal and made him go to the hospital. Cole’s parents don’t care about Cole mayby that’s why he does bad things, and does not have friends and family to go to.

  3. I think that Cole can’t manage his anger because when he was younger his parents were always angry at him, and because of that he doesn’t remember how to be happy. The bad parent thing made him think that when he does bad things it’s like doing it to his parents, but I don’t know if I should trust him with the bad parent thing. He wanted to kill the bear just because he couldn’t get off the island OR because he was scared and thought that by threatening the bear it would run away.I’m sure that he wasn’t actually going to kill the bear.

    • We may see how your interpretation of Cole’s intentions looks later on. I’m not sure I know what you mean by “trust him with the bad parent thing,” but it is interesting that you thought maybe Cole was frightened. Keep thinking and sharing those thoughts.

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