I2 Journal

Dreams and Nightmares.

That’s what my topic is. Today I’m going to tell you theories and quotes. Some quotes of mine, some from others. www.iemoji.com  This emoji is asleep. Peacefully snoring. It could be dreaming, or having a nightmare. Why not try and figure it out.

  • Theory-Dreams can be connected to Deja Vu. When you dream something will happen and it happens in the future.
  • Theory-When we dream, if we dream about things happening in real life, but it’s like this is what will happen, you are able to see that what’s happening in real life is bad.
  • Theory-When you control your dreams, you can do anything you want. Become immortal, go to the moon, and even fly.
  • Quote – The choice is in the hand of the dreamer. ~Aylah
  • Quote – If you’re not dreaming, where’s your imagination? ~Aylah
  • Quote – Once Upon A Dream. . . ~Aylah

That’s all I can share today, hope to catch you next week!

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