Maestro Tovey Reflection

On Monday we got to meet the one and only Maestro Tovey he’s 62 and still a famous world wide composer, and a conductor. He is a funny man we got to see him play a the piano in memory and still blew my mind. Also there was a girls birthday so he made a song from scratch in less then a minute with the keys of the letter’s in her name. Listening to & watching Maestro Tovey reminded me of music how funny, scary, serious, jazzy, and exciting it can be. And right now I also feel like playing music because Maestro Tovey showed us that it doesn’t matter who you are anyone can play music. Even if your deaf or anything else there was this man he was deaf and could never hear his music. He become deaf  by drinking his coffee every morning with a led cup and soon he become deaf. And still has amazing music. his name is Ludwig van Beethoven.


When I’m feeling sad, mad, happy, or frustration I listen to music because most of the time did you notice when some one is sad they put slow music on. It’s a way of communicating with out talking. What I really think of when put the music on it let’d me relax. It drags me into the music. I feel like I’m having a conversation with the song. Then I’ll feel better sooner or later I’m back to normal.


Music connects me to other people.  When some one is playing a song and there song is about there life steps going one by one. The song is called 7 years and each time hes getting olderso he starts of with him 7 years old and his mom is saying go get your self some friends or you’ll be lonely. It just reminds me of my life and how I’ll get older and my friends will be leaving and i’ll be alone. So I feel like I’m connected to his words, it’s reminding me about myself to I’m gonna get older and i’m gonna die soon. So what it really means to me that it’s a way of connecting and show feeling to each other. The music gives out idea’s, communtication, and feelings aren’t those important acitions in life?


1 thought on “Maestro Tovey Reflection

  1. This reflection is so moving. Sometimes we are so overwhelmed by noise, sound, and song in our everyday lives that the beauty, purpose, and value of music can get lost. Many traditional communities use music as a way to tell stories and to remember important events and traditions. Music is so important in our lives when we take the time to pay attention to it. You are right, it is such an important way to connect and communicate with others.

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