Maestro Tovey reflection

Maestro Bramal Tovey visited our school Monday and I’m doing a reflection.Something that got exited when Maestro Tovey was here was when he first played the piano. I was awestruck at how good he played the piano and he did it without having any notes in front of him(an accomplishment witch takes years of practice and skill). I might be interested in taking up piano lessons and more types of interments.

I was also surprised that when he said ” I need a volunteer ” and he choose someone who’s birthday it was witch is kind of reasonable as a birthday present for somebody. I really liked the guess what this piece of music is called. And I really liked what it was called. It was called why a really odd name for a piece of music it lasted 90 seconds in total.


1 thought on “Maestro Tovey reflection

  1. Maestro Bramwell Tovey’s playing was awesome indeed! I’m glad he may have inspired you to take up an instrument.

    Great as his playing is, I found his palpable passion for music and for sharing it even more powerful. But maybe that is how he managed to get you and others thinking about learning to play an instrument.

    While I’m sure it was a nice birthday gift to be selected as a volunteer, there was another part to that gift that I thought was even more special. It was a particularly unique gift that I expect most of us will never receive!

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