Listening to & watching Maestro Tovey reminded me of how music is important.I think it is important because you can learn lots music and its also important because you might need music while you are growing up.Listening to Maestro Tovey playing piano is so amazing because when he plays piano he plays it so perfect.Watching Maestro Tovey make up a piano song for a girl at my school,he made up a song because it was her birthday that day.



When I’m felling a particular way, I like to listen to music because when I’m mad music calms me down and when I’m felling sad I like to listen to music.when I listen to music it makes me wonder about being a musician when I grow up.Often listening to music is amazing because there a different kinds of music that I like to listen to.



If I would play a instatement,I will play the piano if not the piano I would like to play the guitar.I would like to play the piano because the piano sound so nice when you play it,I would like to play the guitar because I like when you play it it sounds so nice and something else that I like about it is the is the strings because I like how they sound so different.


  1. The idea that struck me most from your reflection is that children might NEED music while growing up. I think you are absolutely right, and I’d wager that Maestro Tovey; our music teacher, Ms Con; our principal, Mrs. Brown would agree with you. And I should hope every member of our school board AND the Minister of Education would too!

    I certainly hope you will learn to play a musical instrument. Why not the piano AND the guitar!? I can’t see any reason why you shouldn’t be able to perform and even write music yourself. Maestro Tovey certainly showed us that loving music is a great way to start.

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